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In my effort to make the query process a bit more manageable, please submit to me via QueryManager after submitting, you will receive a confirmation receipt.

When you visit my QueryManager page there are questions that will guide you through the submission process. You’ll enter your name, contact information, and the links to your social media accounts. 

Further down you’ll provide me with your book’s title, word count, genre, and you’re asked to include a one-page Query Letter, that in addition to telling me about your book, will showcase your writing ability and style; typos, misspellings, and syntactic errors may cause me to reject a work without reading further. Taking the time to polish your work will help to make a good first impression.

You’ll be asked to write a pitch for your book, which is not an easy thing to do. You have just spent months, maybe years writing an 80,000 word manuscript and now you need to sell that effort in just a few sentences. My advice – think of the pitch as the back cover copy of your published book! 

If your query letter piques my interest, you’ll be instructed to upload the synopsis and first three chapters for a work of fiction, and a proposal and one or two sample chapters for nonfiction. Upon reading these pages I’ll make a determination as to whether I’d like to see more from you.